We believe in God the Eternal Father and in His Son Jesus Christ. We believe we should emulate Them in every way we can; if the glory of God is intelligence, then we too will seek to be intelligent in our choices and actions.
We believe in the admonition of Paul, that if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, we will seek after these things. (Philippians 4:8)
We believe that students can accomplish more when they have a say in their learning and when they are creating; as they take charge and have a voice, they find the JOY of learning.
We believe in WORK: doing good things in the world, for our world.
We believe technology can be a useful tool but it can never replace a good teacher. We will be master users of technology but technology will not be our master.
We believe in hands-on learning. If you can take a field trip, you should.
We believe homework should be minimal: reading what you want to read, and doing activities related to your learning that can involve other family members.